so i spent the week from 1st of april in south africa in sandton just west am is it east of joburg. i must say i took the whole shebang... a guided tour arranged by the sand ton sun of the larger metro are which include trips through soweto, the nuclear reactor, towers, cliptown museum and another whose name i dont remember that is dedicated to children who stood up to the booers and were shot down in exchamge, its named after on young childdjohnson i think...... anyway i wa impressed. amybe there is a lot i did not see but even their informal settlement resemble nothing like our slums..... i resolved i might make the effort to move there and may be even settle down with anice zulu, sotho or tswana girl.... i think those chaps musta read my post bearing in mind what is going on down there now. on the whole i think this is as a result of unequal growth and the poor who are supposed to have benefitted for the affirmative action for blacks and from the exploitation of the countries natural resources have had it. recently some one reminded me that what happened in january and february in kenya was a simple case of some people getting left behind and dragging the whole country back down to their level. that is what is going on in sa today. the first target is the poor foreinor, tomorrow it might be the boer again? anyway me think that more social investment in educationto lift the livelyhoods of those who feel aggrieved may just be the way to go.
1 comment:
Is it a coincidence that when a country refuses to play to the Western tune it goes up in flames?
You cannot rule out Clandestine ops by the west aimed at destabilizing SA and hitting back at President Mbeki for not demonising Mugabe.
Remember in Kenya we had rumours of well trained, lethally armed militia suspected to be Ugandans - because of strange non-kenyan accents.
Of course they were mercenaries hired by western powers - to teach Kenyua a lesson about its relationship with China.
Raila and ODM are just pawns in a dangerous game of international politics and world domination.
US, EU, UK etc are all quietly calling for amnesty of Post election violence - because they know someone might spill the beans and expose them!
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