Wednesday, May 14, 2008

fishy business

posta sacco offers prime property for sale . and then withdraws it. in the same page of the same news paper. what the heck is going on? and why sell a prime property any inside info any one? its on pg 25 of the daily nation


Anonymous said...

Maybe the paid for the "for sale" ads weeks in advance

Fishy business indeed

Anonymous said...

apparently the issue lies with the tendering process that has two universities (Nairobi and Kenyatta) fighting out for PostaSacco plaza. no word on why the sacco would opt out though,likely cashflow crunch as workers retire? never know.

how do you like SA now, with all the chaos?

and from your post on bankelele, you mention a large turnover of staff at scangroup, which staff are these? creatives (designers etc), client service or management?